I have the opposite problem with my camera phone. I'm so used to carrying a regular camera that I forget to shoot with my iPhone 4S. So even though I have an Instagram account (derrickstory), I haven't really tapped its potential. That is, until last week.
Heading out of town for a trip to Maui. Instagrams by Derrick Story.
Since I was in Nimble Photographer mode already (iPad, Olympus TG-1, tropical drink), why not take advantage of the joy of iPhone photography and share those images immediately via Instagram? It was a good call.
Shooting Instagrams is pure "slice of life" photography. Something catches your eye, you capture it immediately, add a little spice to it, then share. The whole process can be completed in a minute... enough time to catch up to the rest of the group that kept walking as you created your masterpiece.
So now that I'm back on the mainland, am I going to keep shooting Instagrams? Yes, indeed. I think they help me slow down a bit and pay more attention to the world around me.
If you want to explore with me, you can find Instagram in the App Store.